version 1.2
This browser extension copies all the variable information of a Priva datapoint to your clipboard when you open a graph, table or change a value in Operator.
This information can be used for API commands
(Works only with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge)

Installation instructions:
1. Download the browser extension from this website.
2. Unpack the zip file on your drive.
3. Open your browser.
4. Go to Extensions – Manage Extensions.
5. Make sure the Developer mode is activated.
6. Press ‘Load unpacked’.
7. Select the folder ‘PrivaOperatorExtensionV1.2’.
Installation result:

release notes
WvdS & RV 08-08-2023:
Version 1.2
1. Extra user-friendly information is added, it is now possible to request the ID of all data points.
WvdS & RV 23-02-2023:
Version 1.1
1. Fixed API identifier, now it runs again in browsers.
WvdS 31-01-2023:
Version 1.0
1. First release.